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BruinIRB Note

OHRPP is transitioning electronic submission to our new system, BruinIRB and will no longer accept certain applications via webIRB. Please visit OHRPP’s electronic submission systems page for details.
webIRB to be taken offline July 1, 2025

webIRB will be decommissioned with the full transition to BruinIRB. At this time, we estimate that webIRB will no longer be accessible to study teams after June 30, 2025. Study teams are encouraged to review their webIRB submissions to confirm that all necessary documentation has been added to your regulatory binders before this date.

Weekly Maintenance and/or Upgrades

Every Thursday evening from 5:00 pm to 1:00 am and every Sunday morning from 12:00 am to 12 noon, but occasionally the entire maintenance window is not needed and access is restored as soon as work is completed.
Welcome to webIRB

Welcome to webIRB

webIRB is UCLA's internet-based software application for the submission and review of research projects involving human subjects.  All levels of review use the same webIRB application, which is designed to branch in response to information provided about the study procedures.  Click here for the OHRPP guidance document "Brief Overview of webIRB Submission Procedures."

To begin using webIRB, click the Login button at the top right of the screen.  Please note that you must have a webIRB account to log on.  To obtain an account, please select webIRB Accounts from the menu to the left.

For additional assistance, please contact the helpdesk at MIRB(310) 825-5344 or GCIRB (310) 825-7122 or email us at webirbhelp@research.ucla.edu.

Recommended Browsers for Upgraded System

The latest released version of the webIRB supports the following web browsers:



Microsoft Windows (all versions)

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8.0 or later
  • Firefox 3.0 or later
  • Google Chrome

Macintosh OS X 10.9
(Mavericks) or later

  • Safari 7.0 or later
  • Firefox 3.0 or later
  • Google Chrome

Apple iPad

  • Safari

Please upgrade to the web browsers supported by the latest version of webIRB. Contact your IT department for help with upgrading your web browser.

Note to Mac Users: Recent security upgrades to the UCLA Single Sign-On system may impact your ability to access webIRB and other UCLA sites using the Safari Internet browser. If you experience problems using Safari to access webIRB you need to either:

  • upgrade both Safari (to at least v7.0) and your operating system (to at least OS X v10.9)
  • use another Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome

Please contact your IT department for assistance with upgrading the operating system or installing an alternate Internet browser on your work computer.


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