The latest released version of the webIRB supports the following web browsers:
Microsoft Windows (all versions)
Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8.0 or later
Firefox 3.0 or later
Google Chrome
Macintosh OS X 10.9
(Mavericks) or later
Safari 7.0 or later
Firefox 3.0 or later
Google Chrome
Apple iPad
Please upgrade to the web browsers supported by the latest version of webIRB. Contact your IT department for help with upgrading your web browser.
Note to Mac Users: Recent security upgrades to the UCLA Single Sign-On system may impact your ability to access webIRB and other UCLA sites using the Safari Internet browser. If you experience problems using Safari to access webIRB you need to either:
upgrade both Safari (to at least v7.0) and your operating system (to at least OS X v10.9)
use another Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome
Please contact your IT department for assistance with upgrading the operating system or installing an alternate Internet browser on your work computer.